Website Development

You Can Trust

According to the statistics released by China Tourism Academy, China's outbound tourism market has rebounded, with 40.37 million international trips from mainland China in the first half of 2023. However, the post-pandemic recovery of the Chinese market is only just beginning.

To promote awareness and increase sales in China, hiring a professional company is necessary for foreign tourism businesses to market to Chinese tourists in 2023. Wander Partners has a decade of experience in website development. By partnering with WWP, your website will be optimized to capture the attention of Chinese tourists and drive more sales in 2023. We can help with:

Generally speaking, the first step for foreign companies to get into the Chinese market is building a localized website. WWP has assisted many cross-border tourism businesses in designing entirely new websites and localizing their websites to be more appealing.

Optimizing websites for Chinese search engines is crucial to attract Chinese tourists. WWP has the expertise to help you achieve the following website optimization goals:
1. Improve website speed and performance
2. Enhance keyword rankings
3. Optimize local search results

FAQ About Website Development

A Chinese website is essential for any tourism company that wants to enter the Chinese market. Here are some reasons why:

  • Targeting Chinese tourists: The Chinese tourism market is one of the largest in the world, and it is growing rapidly. A Chinese website allows you to directly target Chinese tourists, increasing your visibility and attracting more potential customers.
  • Meeting local preferences: Chinese web users have unique preferences and expectations when it comes to website design and content. A Chinese website ensures that your website meets these preferences, providing a better user experience for Chinese web users.
  • Local SEO: A Chinese website optimized for local search engines (such as Baidu) increases your search engine rankings in the Chinese market. This helps you attract more local customers and improve your brand awareness.

It is not necessary to have a website host in China if your website does not target Chinese users. However, if you want to enter the Chinese market and target Chinese tourists, a web host in China is more recommended. This ensures that your website is accessible and stable in the Chinese internet environment, improving user experience and search engine rankings.

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