Marketing to China

You Can Trust

According to the statistics released by China Tourism Academy, China's outbound tourism market has rebounded, with 40.37 million international trips from mainland China in the first half of 2023. However, the post-pandemic recovery of the Chinese market is only just beginning.

To promote awareness and increase sales in China, hiring a professional company is necessary for foreign tourism businesses to market to Chinese tourists in 2023. World Wander Partners has a decade of experience in integrated marketing in the tourism sector. We can help with:

WWP will start with comprehensive market research to identify your target clients and main competitors. Then, WWP will tailor a marketing plan based on the research results and set a key performance indicator (KPI) to measure the marketing implementation effectiveness.

WWP has extensive industry resources and rich experience in tourism matchmaking. We can introduce your company to potential Chinese partners like travel agencies, airlines, hotels, and tourism boards to help you expand the Chinese market and increase sales.

To guarantee a seamless entry into the Chinese tourism market, WWP can help your company with contract negotiation, payment terms consultancy, collaborating conflict management, and more.

WWP also provides travel assistance services. If you come over for a market visit, our team can provide full support to ensure the success of your visit to China.

FAQ About Tourism Marketing to China

  • Chinese tourism market size and growth potential

China is a fast-growing tourism market, and the number of Chinese outbound tourists has reached 40.37 million in the first half of 2023, which is expected to have grown further in the following years.

  • Big-spending Chinese travelers

Besides the growing number of outbound trips, Chinese travelers’ purchasing power in overseas destinations is also impressive. Many countries offer visa-on-arrival services to attract more Chinese tourists, promote their tourism industry, and increase tourism revenue.

Tourism marketing to China is never an easy task. With the rise of Chinese tourists, many tourism companies have started to pay attention to the Chinese tourism market, but how to attract Chinese tourists? How to customize the tourism product to meet their needs? How to take into account their unique travel style? WWP is a professional Chinese travel marketing company helping many travel companies successfully enter the Chinese market. Contact WWP now for effective tourism marketing solutions.

One trend in tourism marketing to China is the use of social media platforms such as WeChat, Douyin, and Xiaohongshu to reach Chinese tourists. Through these channels, tourism marketers can speak with Chinese travelers directly and share content relevant to their interests.

The growth of personalized services is another trend. Chinese travelers develop a strong interest in specialized travel experiences like luxury travel, adventure travel, and medical tourism. Tourism marketers need to identify and target these niche markets to remain competitive.

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