China Outbound Tourism: Five Emerging Trends in 2024

China Outbound Tourism: Five Emerging Trends in 2024

China outbound tourism has been surging dramatically thanks to the waiver of mandatory quarantine for international arrivals. Analysts said that Chinese outbound travel would gain momentum in 2024, and the number will roughly double relative to 2023. However, are you ready to join the movement? Do you know that Chinese outbound tourism is experiencing some new changes? Keeping track of the emerging trends is important for tourism managers and marketers. The article will share five features of Chinese outgoing tourists’ travel patterns. Keep reading and find more details.

Five Emerging Trends in 2024

  • Chinese tourists return with a preference for independent tours.

Chinese tourists are starting to look for independent tours as they gain more and more travel experience. This is particularly true for destination markets like Hong Kong, Macau, Thailand, Malaysia, Singapore, and other Southeast Asian countries.

China Outbound Tourism

  • Chinese tourists return with an eye on budget and safety.

With family incomes squeezed by a weak Chinese economy, most Chinese travelers are budget-conscious when choosing travel destinations and tour products. Consequently, popular budget-friendly destinations like Thailand, the Philippines, Vietnam, Cambodia, and Indonesia are expected to attract more Chinese tourists. Besides, Chinese tourists are also prioritizing destination safety in 2024.

  • More flexibility in tour products.

Another distinctive trend for Chinese outgoing travelers is a wide range of flexible tour options for tourists to choose from. Therefore, it is encouraged that destination markets can offer diversified tour products to meet the different needs. Take Turkey for example, Turkey products have tours ranging from CNY 8999 to CNY 28800.

  • Popularity of off-the-beaten-path destinations.

Fed up with typical vacation spots, Chinese tourists show a strong desire to visit off-the-beaten-path destinations they have never been to. These 2024 top travel destinations include Georgia, Armenia & Azerbaijan, Algeria, Bhutan, Turkey, and Saudi Arabia.

  • Influence of social media

Chinese outbound tourism heavily relies on China’s social media, which is now a vital resource for tourists looking to plan trips, exchange experiences, and obtain information. Millions of Chinese people use WeChat, Weibo, Douyin, and Xiaohongshu every day, making them a good approach to promote destinations and companies.

We Can Help China Outbound Tourism Marketing 

World Wander Partners knows how to make it work for your Chinese tourism marketing operations. We are developing tourism projects in China every day, so we can help you attract more Chinese outbound tourists with the right marketing strategy. Contact us now and get a tailor-made solution FREE!

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