How to Target China Outbound Travel Market: Two Practical Methods for Foreign Tour Operators

How to Target China Outbound Travel Market: Two Practical Methods for Foreign Tour Operators

Since China reopened international tourism,China Outbound Travel Market has been slowly recovering. So, how to seize China’s outbound travel rebound and efficiently attract Chinese travelers? Keep reading, and find the ultimate guide for foreign tour operators to reach the Chinese tourism market in 2024.

How to Target China Outbound Travel Market

Method One: Create a Campaign Specifically Designed for the Chinese Market

Chinese tourists have different cultures, travel habits, and purchasing behaviors, making it a greate challenge for cross-border tour agents to reach the Chinese tourism market. Without a specialized marketing plan specifically for the Chinese market, it is likely to miss out the Chinese outbound tourists. The following are what you can do:

  • Track market trends and adjust tour packages to cater to their interest, cultural preferences, and expectations.
  • Get your business on Chinese travel booking platforms like Ctrip, Qunar, Fliggy, etc.
  • Create official social media accounts for your company on Chinese social media like Douyin, Wechat, and Xiaohongshu.

Method Two: Partner with Chinese Tour Operators

Collaborating with local tour agents in China is a smart move to enter the Chinese market. These Chinese companies understand what Chinese travelers want and can assist you in creating appealing tour packages. Furthermore, partnering with Chinese tour operators also allows you to make a smoother booking process than working with Chinese tourists directly.

We Can Help You Tap into China Outbound Travel Market

World Wander Partners knows how to make it work for your Chinese tourism marketing operations. We are developing tourism projects in China every day, so we can help you attract more Chinese outbound tourists with the right marketing strategy. Contact us now and get a tailor-made solution FREE!

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  • X22nuath Reply

    Hey people!!!!!
    Good mood and good luck to everyone!!!!!

    06/19/2024 at 23:35

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